The Collectors

Which of the following is NOT true, according to the...

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to 50
Is there a right way to bring up children? Some parents read guides to find an answer, many just follow their instinct. Whatever they do, a doubt always remains: could I have done a better job?
A recent contribution to the subject is Amy Chua's controversial book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, which describes the approach to child-rearing of an ambitious Chinese parent living in the west. According to Chua, western mothers are far too soft on their children. She says they are always praising their children for every effort they make, even if the result is coming last in a race or playing a piano piece badly. These are the kind of parents who will give in to their children's demands to go out and play rather than do their homework, if they protest loud enough.
The tiger mother method is very different and the key is total control. Tiger mothers will accept nothing less than 'A' grades in every subject - failure to achieve these is just proof that they have not worked hard enough. They will encourage not with praise and reward, but by punishing and shaming. Chua told her own daughter that she would take her doll's house to a charity shop if she failed to master a difficult piano piece. She even rejected a homemade birthday card from her daughter Sophia because she had drawn it in a hurry.
But that highlights another difference, says Chua, which is directness and honesty. A tiger mother will not hesitate to tell their child that they are lazy, whereas western parents are always telling their children not to worry, that they will do better next time, even if they think they have been lazy. The constant nagging of the tiger mother, the banning of TV and computer games seems harsh, but perhaps it works. Chua's children have not rebelled, and they don't resent their strict upbringing. They regularly get the top grades at school and are proficient at violin and piano - stereotypical symbols of success, critics would say. By contrast, children with more freedom and more laid-back parents will often lack self-discipline and will fail to push themselves to achieve more.
(Adapted from Life by Paul Dummett, John Hughes and Helen Stephenson)​
Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?
A. Some parents depend on their way of thinking when they educate their children.
B. Amy Chua’s book causes a lot of angry public discussion in terms of strict upbringing.
C. The method to raise children suggested by Amy Chua is not new.
D. The tiger mother method involves pushing children to get better results.
Điều nào sau đây không đúng, theo đoạn văn?
A. Một số bố mẹ phụ thuộc vào lối suy nghĩ của bản thân khi giáo dục con cái.
B. Sách của Amy Chua gây ra nhiều tranh cãi về việc nuôi dạy con cái nghiêm khắc.
C. Phương pháp nuôi dạy con cái được Amy Chua đề xuất là không hề mới mẻ.
D. Phương pháp mẹ hổ liên quan đến việc thúc đẩy để con đạt được kết quả tốt hơn.
Thông tin:
+ Is there a right way to bring up children? Some parents read guides to find an answer, many just follow their instinct. (Liệu có một cách đúng đắn nào để nuôi dạy con cái hay không? Một số bố mẹ đọc các hướng dẫn để tìm câu trả lời, nhiều người lại chỉ làm theo bản năng.)
→ A đúng
+ A recent contribution to the subject is Amy Chua's controversial book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, which describes the approach to child-rearing of an ambitious Chinese parent living in the west. (Một đóng góp gần đây cho chủ đề này chính là quyển sách gây tranh cãi Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother của Chua, trong đó mô tả cách nuôi dạy con của một bố mẹ đầy tham vọng người Trung Quốc sống ở phương Tây.)
→ B đúng
+ Tiger mothers will accept nothing less than 'A' grades in every subject - failure to achieve these is just proof that they have not worked hard enough. They will encourage not with praise and reward, but by punishing and shaming. (Mẹ hổ sẽ không chấp nhận gì ngoài điểm A ở mọi môn học - sự thất bại là bằng chứng cho thấy chúng đã không học tập đủ chăm chỉ. Chúng sẽ được
động viên không phải bằng lời khen và phần thưởng, mà là bằng hình phạt và việc làm cho xấu hổ.)
→ D đúng
+ The tiger mother method is very different and the key is total control. (Phương pháp mę hổ rất khác biệt và mấu chốt là sự hoàn toàn kiểm soát.)
→C sai
Đáp án C.

Quảng cáo
