The Collectors

Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to 50.
It is a myth that creative people are born with their talents: gifts from God or nature. Creative genius is, in fact, latent within many of us, without our realizing. But how far do we need to travel to find the path to creativity? For many people, a long way. This applies to all areas of life. When we are solving problems, for example, we may seek different answers, but, often as not, find ourselves walking along the same well-trodden paths.
So, for many people, their actions and behaviors are set in immovable blocks, their minds clogged with the cholesterol of habitual actions, preventing them from operating freely, and thereby stifling creation. Unfortunately, mankind's very struggle for survival has become a tyranny - the obsessive desire to give order to the world is a case in point. This can be seen in people's attitude to time, social customs and the great number of rules and regulations by which the human mind is now restricted.
The groundwork for keeping creative ability in check begins at school. School, later university and then work, teach people to regulate their lives, imposing a continuous process of restrictions which is increasing exponentially with the advancement of technology. Yet, even here in this hostile environment, the foundations for creativity are being laid; because setting off on the creative path is also partly about using rules and regulations. Such limitations are needed so that once they are learned, they can be broken.
The human mind can be trained to be creative. One strategy is to erect artificial barriers or hurdles in solving a problem. In this way, people are obliged to explore unfamiliar territory, which may lead to some startling discoveries. Unfortunately, the difficulty in this exercise, and with creation itself, is convincing people that creativity is possible. There is also an element of fear involved, however subliminal, as deviating from the safety of one's thought patterns is very much akin to madness. But, once we open the creativity box, a whole new world will unfold before our very eyes.
(Adapted from IELTS Practice Tests)
Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Human has established a lot of rules to give order to the world.
B. Educational institutions teach people to take control of their lives.
C. It is not easy to make people believe in the possibility of creativity.
D. The best method to develop creativity is remove all artificial obstacles.
Điều nào sau đây KHÔNG ĐÚNG theo đoạn văn?
A. Con người đã thiết lập rất nhiều quy tắc để thiết lập trật tự cho thế giới.
B. Các cơ sở giáo dục dạy mọi người làm chủ cuộc sống của họ.
C. Không dễ làm cho mọi người tin vào khả năng sáng tạo.
D. Phương pháp tốt nhất để phát triển óc sáng tạo là loại bỏ mọi chướng ngại vật nhân tạo.
Thông tin:
+ Unfortunately, mankind's very struggle for survival has become a tyranny - the obsessive desire to give order to the world is a case in point. (Thật không may, cuộc đấu tranh sinh tồn của nhân loại đã trở thành một chế độ chuyên chế - nỗi khát vọng ám ảnh mong muốn thiết lập trừ tự cho thế giới là một trường hợp điển hình.)
→ A đúng
+ School, later university and then work, teach people to regulate their lives. (Trường học, sau này là đại học và sau đó là nơi làm việc, dạy mọi người cách điều chỉnh cuộc sống của họ)
→ B đúng
+ Unfortunately, the difficulty in this exercise, and with creation itself, is convincing people that creativity is possible. (Thật không may, khó khăn trong vấn đề này, và với chính sự sáng tạo, là thuyết phục mọi người rằng sự sáng tạo là có thể.)
→ C đúng
+ One strategy is to erect artificial barriers or hurdles in solving a problem. In this way, people are obliged to explore unfamiliar territory, which may lead to some startling discoveries.(Một chiến lược là dựng lên những rào cản nhân tạo hoặc rào cản trong việc giải quyết vấn đề. Bằng cách này, mọi người phải khám phá những vấn đề xa lạ, điều này có thể dẫn đến những khám phá đáng kinh ngạc.)
→ D sai
Đáp án D.

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