The Collectors

According to paragraph 1, computer skills _________.

Câu hỏi: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to 50.
Every day we face challenges at school, work or in our personal lives, and we need to develop the skills to deal with them. Computer skills, for example, are vital for most activities we carry out in our daily lives as well as helping you with studying. When we are young, we are able to learn basic social skills but there are other important skills that can be more challenging to acquire. Surprisingly, video games can often help us to master these.
For example, there are many video games which can help us to develop problem-solving skills. Some games help develop patience and perseverance skills by continuing to increase the level of difficulty. They constantly place obstacles in your path until you reach the solution. As a result of playing these games, players can develop confidence, as being able to overcome the obstacles gives you a real sense of achievement. Patience, perseverance and overcoming difficulties are three essential skills in everyday life.
As humans we often learn through mistakes, however some mistakes would be best avoided. Video games can expose you to making decisions in the virtual world by allowing you to choose your characters' actions and then showing you the results of these actions. This may help you make more informed choices in the real world.
However beneficial these games may be, there are things to remember. Too much screen time can isolate you from the real world and if you play multi-player games online, then you need to be sure who you are playing with. It's also vital to make sure that you are not running up a huge bill in games that you pay for online.
Links between schools and video games developers have resulted in more games focused on developing life skills. The not-for-profit organisation, Makerspace, has developed an education programme based around games in conjunction with Minecraft. The programme claims that 30 minutes of video play in the classroom can improve planning skills, memory and motor skills. As well as developing life skills, having excellent computer skills could also help you with a future career. So, play on and learn two valuable lessons at the same time.
(Adapted from Optimise by Malcom Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles)
According to paragraph 1, computer skills _________.
A. play an important role in dealing with daily tasks
B. are easier to be mastered at a very young age
C. ensure a potential candidate a steady job
D. are necessary to get a promotion at workplace
Theo đoạn 1, kỹ năng máy tính _____.
A. đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc giải quyết những công việc hàng ngày
B. dễ thành thạo hơn khi còn nhỏ tuổi
C. đảm bảo cho ứng viên tiềm năng có một công việc ổn định
D. cần thiết để được thăng chức ở chỗ làm
Thông tin:
Computer skills, for example, are vital for most activities we carry out in our daily lives as well as helping you with studying. (Ví dụ, kỹ năng máy tính rất quan trọng đối với hầu hết các hoạt động mà chúng ta thực hiện trong đời sống thường nhật cũng như giúp bạn trong học tập.)
Đáp án A.

Quảng cáo
